no, i'm not leaving. but as some of you know, the series finale of dexter was this weekend. don't worry, there are no spoilers here. this is a blog about food, not what happens on a tv show. but, to dexter, deb, angel, quinn, harrison, masuka, and the rest of miami metro, we bid you adieu. for nearly a decade we have welcomed you into our home on sunday nights. so on your final night, we will have a special dinner: steak and beer. for those of you who are familiar with the show, you know why i went with this option: whenever deb and dexter have dinner together, they have of course, steak and beer.

now, you know we couldn't just have steak and beer. we also had brown rice and fresh green beans. do you know the secret to cooking the perfect steak? let me share it with you, as my good friend, uncle vo, shared it with me years ago. 1. hot grill, like 400+ degrees. 2. throw steak (lightly seasoned with a little salt and pepper) on there and cook for 2 mins. 3. turn steak 180 degrees to get perfect grill lines and cook an additional 2 mins. 4. flip steak over and cook for 2 mins. 5. repeat step 3. and voila. perfect steak in 8 mins.
but our "dexter meal" wouldn't be complete without blood splatter cookies. completing the look by wrapping them in cellophane.
have you ever had a sugar cookie from kneaders bakery? mr d ranks them as number 1. i found their recipe online
here. not a copycat, but their actual recipe. pretty cool that they give it out. mostly because they know that even with their exact recipe, theirs are much better than how mine turned out. but they were pretty good. a good first effort. the recipe indicates that it will make 4 dozen, so i halved the recipe, and still ended up with 3 dozen. also, i could not find lemon flavoring, which is supposed to be a powdered ingredient found near the lemon juice, so i just used lemon extract. it turned out fine, not overpowering on the lemon flavor.
Kneaders Sugar Cookies
1 c butter
1 1/8 c sugar
2 eggs
1/2 c milk
3 7/8 c flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp lemon flavoring
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tbsp honey
Cream together butter and sugar until fluffy. Add eggs and milk, scraping down sides as necessary. Add in remaining ingredients. Dough will be soft and sticky. Place dough on a well floured surface and gently roll out until 3/8 inch. Cut into desired shapes. Bake on baking sheet lined with parchment paper at 325 for 10-12 mins, or until edges barley start to change color.
4 1/2 c powdered sugar
4 tbsp corn syrup
3 tbsp milk
1/4 tsp lemon flavoring
Mix all ingredients together until smooth. Decorate cookies as desired!